Course Description

Do You Know The Plans God Has For You?

We believe that God has a perfect plan for you and is patiently waiting to help you discover it.

"Seek first the Kingdom" is the calling of every follower of Jesus, but it can be a challenge to apply this practically and specifically to areas of your life beyond religious commitment. You probably know deeply that Kingdom-seeking means living and working with God so His will is done in all aspects of your life and work.

Most Christian Entrepreneurs know they are created to accomplish great things but struggle with knowing how to boldly move into the calling or how to even begin the process. Even if they are clear on what they are to be doing, they often lack the resources required to make it happen in a professional way.

I have a passion to see people walk in their God-given calling. I believe God has a calling and a purpose for every individual, man, woman, and child. My hearts beat with the Barnabas principle: when someone hears the Lord calling them to do something remarkable, amazing, or even impossible, they need encouragers, equippers, and traveling companions to come alongside. The Launchpad Institute can offer resources and services to assist you to walk out your call in the special area God has gifted and launched you into.

Everything we do is focused on helping you and your organization fully realize your calling, your faithful course of action, and recognize the community you are meant to serve.

Note: I am offering this course, at the incredibly low price of $75.97 (Regularly $137.99), as a beta course to solicit your feedback - I need your help and input!

“I took one of your courses (Fresco) a while back and just wanted to thank you for that class. In December 2017 I finally started a blog. And I finally got my book started and it’s half done now. Your course made a difference for me.”  Muriel Rae


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Understanding The Destiny God Has Created You For

When I began to seek the Lord for His vision of our future, He gave a key picture illustrating how we would help people walk in their God-given calling and destiny: the fresco.

Fresco means “fresh” in Italian because it is a method of painting on a fresh coat of plaster. This ensures the painting becomes part of the wall itself. Such a demanding and permanent method – one that must be completed with precision in only a few hours – requires poise and timing and a painstaking attention to preparation, design, and execution.

With this picture, God was impressing upon us what is required to join Him as He paints His vision for His children, both individually and corporately. We must do the preparation work to understand the masterpiece He is envisioning. From this, we must create an accurate design and commit to the faithful execution of what the Lord is revealing: First, the shape of what God is doing must be laid out, then every texture and detail must be added. All of this must be completed in the timing of our Father's will, making every effort to get the picture right when things are still fresh and receptive to his vision.

What we are saying has likely occurred to you before. Sometimes people talk about “getting the DNA right” or “building on the right foundation. ” It just makes sense: When God invites us to carry out His vision, we have a unique and crucial opportunity to set things on the right course and infuse what He's doing in everything we do.

Jesus said it this way:

The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened. [Mt 1 3:33 ESV]

You can only put yeast in the dough before it's baked. If the leaven we use is God's own vision and provision, it will work its way into absolutely everything.

When you complete the fresco course, you will...

  • Gain clarity about your unique purpose and calling
  • Build a solid foundation of virtues for your life and work
  • Establish a lifestyle of simultaneous peacefulness and readiness
  • Grow your confidence in recognizing God's voice and leading
  • Work with God as you learn a daily spiritual rhythm
  • Experience more good fruit produced from your labor
  • Invite others to witness God's work

Are You Ready To Fully Understand All You Were Created To Be?

For a limited time, grab this fresh, new fresco course for the special price of $75.97 (Regularly $137.99) I am offering this course, at this incredibly low price, as a beta course to solicit your feedback - I need your help in doing this!

Won't you join with me in understanding what God has intended for your life purpose?

No Risk 100% Guarantee!

This introductory price will not be around for long! Take advantage of this incredible teaching now and take no risk. If at the end of the fresco process, you do not feel this was valuable teaching, we will refund your money 100%. All you have to do is submit the worksheets showing you did the work we asked you to complete and you will be refunded your course fee - no questions asked.

 Don't spend the rest of your life wondering what it is God really intends for your life. Now is your chance to step out in faith and fully engage with God the Father and walk into the calling you were created for!

What You Get In The Course ...

Each module has video teaching with applicable instruction, questions, worksheet downloads, and checklists to assist you on your journey. This is a self-study course and you have access to the material 24/7 for the rest of your life - work at your own pace when you want to work!

Module 1. The Sketch: Gain clarity about your unique purpose and calling.

All masterpieces begin with a basic sketch, often more than one. Key experiences in your life give hints to the masterpiece God has in mind. Put these experiences together to reveal God's thoughts for your life and work.

Module 2. Foundations: Build a solid foundation of virtues for your life and work.

Three virtues form the foundation of the believer's life: faith, hope, and love. When nothing else remains, these are unshakable. Revisit your stories of faith, hope, and love to renew your foundation. Nurture key relationships that build your life and work with these essential life-giving virtues.

Module 3. Preparation: Establish a lifestyle of simultaneous peacefulness and readiness.

Preparing for the working of God requires receptive righteousness: not self-righteousness or law keeping, but making space for the Spirit to come and form Jesus' own righteousness in us. In this position, we can lay our souls at rest in the Lord while responding fully to his work in and through us.

Module 4.Imprint: Grow your confidence in God's voice and leading.

Our Savior is the Word made flesh. He is speaking all the time and is always searching for those with the sensitivity to hear. Explore the many ways our Father speaks and leads through the Spirit as He imprints a portion of His heart and identity on you and blesses you to express it.

Module 5. Painting: Work with God as you learn a daily spiritual rhythm.

We have the same Spirit that is in Christ. According to the Prophets, Jesus' Spirit included seven aspects that united heaven and earth in a way that transformed everything. Establish a daily rhythm that connects to these seven aspects to bring your destiny into reality and all things together under the rule of Jesus.

Module 6. Convergence: Experience more fruit being produced from your labor.

Waiting on God is an essential discipline for the Kingdom-seeker. It's essential if you intend to follow Jesus down the long and often messy road of his mission. Learning when to wait will also lessen headaches and heartbreak as you develop sensitivity to God's pace. Increase your effectiveness and joy by discerning God's process of convergence: how He uses all things -- even the confusing, slow, and unexpected -- to work together for our good.

Module 7. Presentation: Invite others to witness God's work.

The life of a Kingdom-seeker breaks all limitations and blesses others with God's own lavish love. Discover a humility-producing awe at the generosity of God in your life and work, and develop a contagious passion to share both the journey and the results.

Remember ... 

We believe the fresco process will allow you to clearly identify what you were created for. God's Word says "For I know the plans I have for you..."

Isn't it time you take that leap of faith to discern what the Father's perfect plan for you might be?

For a limited time, grab this fresh, new fresco course for the special price of $75.97
(Regularly $137.99)

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Fresco Process - Ben Cheek

    • Understanding Your Passion & Purpose

    • Fresco Workbook

    • Fresco Painting Technique Demonstration

  • 2

    Module 1: The Sketch

    • Mod 1 - The Sketch

    • The Sketch - Understanding your story

  • 3

    Module 2A: Faith Foundation

    • Mod 2A - The Faith Foundation Introduction

    • Foundation-Faith: Building a solid foundation of virtues for your life and work.

  • 4

    Module 2B: Hope Foundation

    • Mod 2B - The Hope Foundation

    • Hope Foundation: Building a solid foundation of virtues for your life and work

    • The Hope Foundation - Ben Cheek shares his story of Hope

  • 5

    Module 2C: Love Foundation

    • Mod 2C - The Love Foundation

    • Love Foundation: Building a solid foundation of virtues for your life and work

    • The Love Foundation - Ben Cheek shares his story of Love

  • 6

    Module 3: Preparation

    • Mod 3 - The Preparation Stage

    • Preparation: ​Establish a lifestyle of simultaneous peacefulness and readiness

  • 7

    Module 4: Imprint

    • Mod 4 - The Imprint Stage

    • Imprint: Grow your confidence in Hearing God's voice

    • How Do You Know It's From God?

  • 8

    Module 5: Painting Your Masterpiece

    • Painting Your Masterpiece - The Materials Used

    • Painting Your Masterpiece: ​Work with God as you learn a daily spiritual rhythm

  • 9

    Module 6: Convergence

    • The Convergence Stage

    • Convergence: ​Experience more fruit being produced from your labor

  • 10

    Module 7: Presentation

    • Presentation - Next Steps

    • Presentation: Invite others to witness God's work


  • $27.97

    $27.97Print On Demand Playbook

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    $37.97Creating Your First Info Product

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